Blast from the Past...
So in doing my monthly website maintenance, look what I found!
Without further ado, it's time to jumpstart this blog again so I can continue to document this dynamic life of an actor that I have been living ... or so I claim. I'll let you be the judge of that
Well well well... what do we have here? It's time to revive my old Actor blog now that it's been five years since my last post. So here goes nothing ... since the last post here are a few highlights:
Joseph's Life in Bits and Pieces since 2012
Lived and worked as a cater-waiter-actor in NYC from 2012-2014.
Served as best man for my older brother's wedding in CO in 2013.
Completed two seasonal tours with NCShakes Shakespeare To Go.-- one as Hamlet.
Completed my MFA in Acting at the University of Virginia from 2014-2016.
Made my true regional theatre debut at Virginia Repertory Theatre.
Made friends for life with 7 other actors in my UVa Cohort. Cohort Love y'all!
Met the woman of my dreams.
Moved to RVA for jobs with Quill Theatre & Richmond Rides Bicycles Tours.
Began historical reenactments with St. John's Church Foundation as Patrick Henry.
Booked my first professional voiceover gig with Virginia Lottery.
Got representation in the Mid-Atlantic with Sylvia Hutson Talent Agency.
Booked first professional commercial gig with Va Beach Tourism - Live the Life!
Okay... now that we've covered that all nice and neat like...because you know, that's how life works, right? ... They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are 9,000 words. And check out these two fools -- Puck & Peter Quince. They're serial killers to birds, bats & voles ... but they'll always be cuddly little fools to me.